{a new title for the business card: 'soon to be florist"...}

To me life without flowers would be dull - simply shades of grey. In their own simple way they bring life, vibrancy and quite often that certain je ne sais quoi to any occasion or space. They are not just for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Day or Valentine's Day. They should be enjoyed every day, even if its simply admiring the arrangements in the window of the Florist shop on your way to work.

That's what I used to do. Even if it took me an extra five minutes I would still go an extra block to make sure I walked past my favourite florist before arriving at the office each morning. Just seeing the beautiful faces of the flowers staring back at me would put a smile on my face and give me the strength to walk through the office doors. I always knew one day those dear faces would beckon me to spend the whole day with them...

So, with great excitement I enrolled in a Commercial Floristry course last week! It's something I have been wanting to do for the longest time. I've always dabbled here and there with a bit of random flower arranging but have always dreamt of doing it professionally and adding it to my repertoire  of skills. As I was recently told, "...people will always get married, sadly people will pass away, boys will always be in trouble - we always need flowers".

My version of a mixed bag of lollies.
I loved that my house looked like a flower shop
So with this exciting new venture ahead of me I had my first visit to the Flower Markets on Friday. At the very dark and chilly hour of 5am my darling neighbour and I went off to fill our market baskets with all-sorts of loveliness. I was like a kid in a candy shop - deciding on what to leave behind was hard, I wanted to take it all home! I was able to restrain myself to the assortment above and had such fun creating some special posies for friends and family. 

& maybe just a couple for my bedside table too - waking up to these pretty faces is such a wonderful way to start the day!

~ I look forward to sharing with you all that I learn along the way during the next 12 months. Hopefully my skills will improve and progress!~


  1. Good luck to you! A wonderful career for someone with such obvious creative talent.

  2. Thank you for such kind words. You can't go too wrong doing something which brings you joy!
