{mother nature}

Mother nature has reminded of us how powerful she is with the devastating floods in QLD now affecting the vast majority of the state. It has completely changed people's lives forever. Tragedies such as these put life in perspective. Our general day-to-day trials and tribulations can hardly compare against such loss. I tried to remind myself of this as I was standing on the long bus trip home from work, stuck in traffic and without air-conditioning, thinking to myself this is the pits - but then I looked out the window across Sydney Harbour with a beautiful afternoon pinky-blue sky horizon and realised how fortunate I am.

My heart went out to those who have lost everything and must now start over again. The emotional turmoil would be hard enough to have to deal with let alone the physical work that is ahead of them to rebuild their homes, businesses and lives. It is too much to think about - where do you start?

Having lived in Brisbane myself it is all too recognisable. Fortunately, my family are safe and well further south but they have friends who have lost everything, all they are left with are memories and a big clean up. 

It is through such tragedy that we are reminded how strong a nation we are. In times such as these we rally together to show our support to friends, family and complete strangers. My mind is all a buzz with ideas as to how I can offer help, not just financially, but actually getting in there and getting my hands dirty. I'm thinking that when this all subsides and the media coverage begins to dwindle and people start moving on with life, is when these poor people are going to need our help the most. I'd like to bring a bit of beauty back into their lives. Flowers in all their simplicity can bring so much hope, joy and peace.

"Where flowers bloom so does hope" - Lady Bird Johnson

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